Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Toddler-Proofing Checklist for Your Home

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When your baby started to crawl, you baby-proofed your house. Get ready to “toddler-proof” your home. Your toddler has the ability to open more cabinets, drawers and bottles than before. The last thing you want is to hover or discourage your toddler’s growing independence and discovery. So make sure surroundings are safe and then supervise, but don’t discourage your toddler.

Use this check-list to make the safety rounds at your home to make sure your adventurous toddler is safe and sound.
  1. Windows: Install window gates to prevent falls.
  2. Stairs: Put safety gates across top and bottom of steps.
  3. Electric outlets: Plug them with plastic caps.
  4. Electric cords: Keep out of reach so a toddler can’t pull lamps and appliances over.
  5. Houseplants: Many are poisonous, so hang or place all plants high out of baby’s reach.
  6. Tippy furniture: Test for wobbles and remove shaky pieces that could fall on a toddler.
  7. Toy boxes: Large ones with heavy lids can injure toddlers. Use shelves or small storage bins instead.
  8. Knives and sharp tools: Keep well out of baby’s reach.
  9. Needles, pins and small objects: Keep out of reach.
  10. Matches and ashtrays: Keep out of reach. Cigarette butts can be fatally toxic if swallowed.
  11. Cleaning supplies, laundry products and paints: Many of these are fatally toxic. Keep on a high shelf or locked in a cabinet.
  12. Pots on stove: Keep the handles turned toward the wall so they don’t get pulled down on top of anyone.
  13. Medicines: Keep in a high locked cabinet. Ask pharmacists for childproof caps. Put emergency numbers near the phone and be sure to include the number of the local Poison Control Center. In case of accidental poisoning, call Poison Control before taking action.
  14. Outside the house:

  15. Steps: Put safety gates across steep porch steps.
  16. Access to the street: Fence in the yard where a toddler plays.
  17. Pools: Fence in swimming pools. Don’t leave a toddler unattended near a portable wading pool.
  18. Driveway and garage: These are dangerous places for a toddler. The garage is full of hazardous materials and cars come into the driveway without warning.

When you visit: Friends and relatives without small children usually do not have toddler-proofed houses–and this includes loving grandparents. So be extra careful when you’re in someone else’s home.

Be watchful, while allowing your child the freedom to explore and discover–an important step towards independence.

By: Huggies

Monday, November 9, 2009


Maclaren USA Recalls to Repair Strollers Following Fingertip Amputations

Name of Product: Maclaren Strollers

Units: About one million

Distributor: Maclaren USA, Inc., of South Norwalk, Conn.

Hazard: The stroller's hinge mechanism poses a fingertip amputation and laceration hazard to the child when the consumer is unfolding/opening the stroller.

Incidents/Injuries: The firm has received 15 reports of children placing their finger in the stroller's hinge mechanism, resulting in 12 reports of fingertip amputations in the United States.

Description: This recall involves all Maclaren single and double umbrella strollers. The word "Maclaren" is printed on the stroller. The affected models included Volo, Triumph, Quest Sport, Quest Mod, Techno XT, TechnoXLR, Twin Triumph, Twin Techno and Easy Traveller.

Sold at: Babies"R"Us, Target and other juvenile product and mass merchandise retailers nationwide from 1999 through November 2009 for between $100 and $360.

Manufactured in: China

Remedy: Consumers should immediately stop using these recalled strollers and contact Maclaren USA to receive a free repair kit.

Consumer Contact: For additional information, contact Maclaren USA toll-free at (877) 688-2326 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET Monday through Friday or visit the firm's Web site at www.maclaren.us/recall

To see this recall on CPSC's web site, including pictures of the recalled product, please go to: http://www.cpsc.gov/cpscpub/prerel/prhtml10/10033.html

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Great Meconium!

We recently had a question from a viewer concerning baby's first poo - the dreaded meconium. This nasty tar-looking bowel movement has often caused some confusion to first time parents.

According to The National Institute of Health, the Meconium is "a thick, sticky, greenish-black substance". It is composed of amniotic fluid, mucus, lanugo (the fine hair that covers baby's body), bile, and cells that have been shed from the skin and the intestinal tract.

"During pregnancy, the baby floats in the amniotic fluid that fills the mother's uterus. This fluid protects the baby while he or she grows and develops. The baby swallows the amniotic fluid, which contains all the other constituents mentioned above. All of the contents other than the amniotic fluid itself are filtered out and remain behind in the intestine while the amniotic fluid is absorbed and re-released into the uterine space when the fetus urinates. This cycle maintains the amniotic fluid in a clear, healthy state during the nine months of pregnancy. This process of recycling the amniotic fluid occurs about every 3 hours."

Below is a picture of my own daughter's meconium poo. (Edited version :D) Being 10 1/2 months old, I'm sure she won't care if I post this.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ideas to Help Baby Master Gross Motor Skills

Helping Baby Sit On Their Own
1. Help baby sit on a beach ball or firm bolster, holding me around my trunk. Slowly tilt me to one side and then the other to the tun of my favorite song. When I am tilted, pause to see if I'll curve my body to stay upright. As my balance improves, hold me at my hips instead of my tummy. Then at my thighs - but go slow!
2. Sit on the floor with me sitting straddle on one of your legs with my feet flat on the ground. Encourage me to twist to pick up a toy at my side.
3. Provide many opportunities for me to sit without support.
4. Sit opposite me to play "Pat-a-Cake" or ball.
5. Let me play with toys on my toy gym or activity table that is positioned at chest level when I am sitting.
6. Give me medium sized, lightweight objects to hold that require both hands.
7. Hold a toy in front of baby so baby has to reach up to obtain it.
8. To encourage posture: tap and rub base of baby's spine, bounce me gently while I'm sitting on your lap, Tap my shoulderns gently back, hold your hands firmyly but gently around baby's hips and lower back for a few moments.

Help Baby to Crawl
1. When I am playing on my tummy, lift my hip slighly on one side so that baby's hip and knee bend. Help baby keep this posture by giving baby a toy to play with for a minute or two. Hold a toy out in front of baby toward one side so he/she has to reach for it. This can encourage baby to shift their weight.
2. Dress baby in clothes easier to crawl.
3. Place a favorite toy or object one or two feet away from baby while he/she is on his/her tummy. Gently life one hip and help baby bend. Place your other hand on the bottom of baby's foot that is on the bent knee side. Rub baby's hip and gently move baby forward until leg straightens. Repeat on opposite side. Continue until you and baby reach the toy. Be sure to give baby the toy so that baby knows his/her efforts payed off.

Help at Home (c) 1988, 2006 VORT Corporation

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Results Are In!

100% of our pollers replied that they take their child/ren to a pediatrician. Thanks for voting!

Recall Notice for Child Restraints!

Lerado is recalling certain miaModa infant child restraints and bases, models Viva and Viva Supreme, Model Nos. 5000 (seat), 5001 (base), 5050 (seat), 5051 (base), 5070 (seat), 5071 (base), 5080 (seat), and 5081 (base). The harness splitter plate located on the rear of the seat has sharp edges which can cut the harness. Also, the base could crack in a crash. In the event of a crash, the child may not be adequately restrained, thereby increasing the risk of injury. Lerado will notify registered owners and offer a full refund. The safety recall is expected to begin during November 2009. Owners may contact Lerado toll-free at 1-877-546-8437.

For more Information, click HERE

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Introducing a GiveAway a Day!

Back to Baics with Baby is introducing a Giveaway a Day! Every day I will post information on the side telling my readers about something free they can receive or a contest they can enter. Enjoy! By the way, if you haven't ordered your free baby denim hat, scroll down to find the picture and get it. So Cute!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Another Giveaway I want to tell you about!

Minnesota Mama's is giving away baby stuff:

click HERE to check it out!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Pants I Promised!!

Okay, so I finally got the picture of the pants I made!! Wahoo! So here they are:

Tell me what you think!!

If you want to make the same idea, e-mail me at backtobasicwithbaby@gmail.com and I will tell you what measurements to send me and I will send you the right size pattern and directions!

Beauty Tips for Budget-Minded Busy Moms

Being a mom, it can be tough to find time to still be a woman. Here are some quick beauty tips I have found to help keep you feeling beautiful and sexy.

1. Buy a lip liner that is the same color as your lips and use that. Then put on your lipstick. To help your lipstick last longer, apply it with a lip brush. Then put a tissue over your lips and brush on some baby powder. That will help the color stay on longer and longer.

2. To help emphasize cheek bones, use shimmer eye shadow or clear lip gloss and rub a little bit down your cheek bone starting back by your ear.

3. If you don't have time to put on all your makeup, just throw on mascara and lipstick. It helps you look complete.

Beauty Freebies:

Want to win a HauteLook Shopping Spree? Enter here!
Tyra Banks is giving away over 100 beauty items. You must register with www.tyrashow.com but I think it's worth it. Click HERE to register!