Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ideas to Help Baby Master Gross Motor Skills

Helping Baby Sit On Their Own
1. Help baby sit on a beach ball or firm bolster, holding me around my trunk. Slowly tilt me to one side and then the other to the tun of my favorite song. When I am tilted, pause to see if I'll curve my body to stay upright. As my balance improves, hold me at my hips instead of my tummy. Then at my thighs - but go slow!
2. Sit on the floor with me sitting straddle on one of your legs with my feet flat on the ground. Encourage me to twist to pick up a toy at my side.
3. Provide many opportunities for me to sit without support.
4. Sit opposite me to play "Pat-a-Cake" or ball.
5. Let me play with toys on my toy gym or activity table that is positioned at chest level when I am sitting.
6. Give me medium sized, lightweight objects to hold that require both hands.
7. Hold a toy in front of baby so baby has to reach up to obtain it.
8. To encourage posture: tap and rub base of baby's spine, bounce me gently while I'm sitting on your lap, Tap my shoulderns gently back, hold your hands firmyly but gently around baby's hips and lower back for a few moments.

Help Baby to Crawl
1. When I am playing on my tummy, lift my hip slighly on one side so that baby's hip and knee bend. Help baby keep this posture by giving baby a toy to play with for a minute or two. Hold a toy out in front of baby toward one side so he/she has to reach for it. This can encourage baby to shift their weight.
2. Dress baby in clothes easier to crawl.
3. Place a favorite toy or object one or two feet away from baby while he/she is on his/her tummy. Gently life one hip and help baby bend. Place your other hand on the bottom of baby's foot that is on the bent knee side. Rub baby's hip and gently move baby forward until leg straightens. Repeat on opposite side. Continue until you and baby reach the toy. Be sure to give baby the toy so that baby knows his/her efforts payed off.

Help at Home (c) 1988, 2006 VORT Corporation


  1. Thats a nice bit of research. Good info.

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