Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Baby has the sniffles

It is getting that time of year when colds start going around. I will discuss good tips to protect baby from getting sick and what to do if they catch a nasty bug.

1. Wash your hands. Make sure anyone who touches your baby washes their hands before playing. An easy way to do this is to keep a bottle of good hand sanitizer in your diaper bag.
2. Stay away from people you know are sick.
3. Don't share cups, utensils, or snacks with baby.

1. Give baby plenty of fluids. Breastfeed more often if you are nursing.
2. Use a humidifier in baby's room. If you don't have a humidifier, you can go in the bathroom and shut the door. Then turn on the shower really hot so it creates a steam room. Sit in with your baby a few times a day for 10-15 minutes. NEVER leave baby unattended.
3. Use a bulb syringe to suck out loose mucous.
4. You can also use nose drops. Little Noses is a good brand, but any baby oriented saline drops should work. If you are breastfeeding, you can pump out a little bit of milk and drop that into baby's nose. Then suck out with bulb syringe
5. Keep baby upright or inclined if possible.

1) At night, you can put a pillow under the baby's mattress to help tilt. (NEVER put pillow in crib with baby)
2) I highly recommend Vick's Baby Rub. You can rub it on baby's chest, back, and neck. It is safe for babies 3 months and older.
3) Use a humidifier in baby's room during night.

1) Baby has trouble breathing.
2) Baby refuses to drink anything.
3) Baby becomes increasing less responsive and irritable.
4) Baby coughs up bloody mucous.
5) Baby has a fever ( under 3 months old) or if fever returns after a few days. (Could be sign of ear infection)

Please share any home remedies and suggestions you have!

1. http://www.webmd.com/video/treating-babys-cold

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